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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Bygul from Legion Latina suffers heavy losses

Bygul tried to raid Costa's castle and ended up losing his army.  This is the perfect league to mess with us - easy PvP points.

Dark day for Dark from Legion Latina

When JAR's fireball's did not take out Xesto's Altar of Weor, Dark thought it would be a good idea to raid Xestos and ended up losing most of his army.

Friday, November 27, 2015

JAR from Legion Latina has a new neighbour

JAR from Legion Latina has been throwing around a few fire balls at our team members.  I hope he likes his new neighbour.

See below Dagoso from Legion Latina broke my siege with his whole army and I caught his army with a small force as only takes me two minutes to raid or siege it. I did this to another one of their players as well - was a tactic I did not actually think of until now and works well as long as the player from the sieged castle is not on.

Less than 12 hours later, JAR has got scared and ported somewhere else.  What a pussy!!

Pay back against Legion Latina begins

Here is the first big revenge attack on Legion Latina.  They took a beacon on the new drops this morning and we smoked them in one shot.  Let's make them pay.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The rat gets caught in the trap set by Achilles

Achilles scoots into the rat's nest and attacks 7 Ratcom's keep to bait the trap. Ratcom Warhawk sufferers humiliating defeat due to valuable team Legacy support waiting in Achilles castle. 

Patricio shows kdiggity why you should not stack defense on a settlement

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Battleground payout

It is still possible to get big pay outs from the battleground system using the method I outlined in the battleground guide on this website.  The trick is to not finish off any battlegrounds until you have built up your bank.  Once you have banked enough resources you can take a pay-out from your second highest battleground and you should still get the full reward.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Revenge raid by Queeniek

A player who recently ported next to Queeniek needed to be taught a lesson after killing some of Queeniek's wyverns.

Helio crushes Beast from DBD Nightraiders

This is a big hit to Beast's army.  He probably thought he was safe attacking with such large numbers.  

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Paul Teitge learns a tough lesson

This all resulted because Paul Teitge from Exodus thought it would be a good idea to take Xesto's settlement on a few occasions.  Poor chap now has no offense and no defense.